Foto © Acoustics Concerts

Tom Allan & The Strangest

Two musicians meet in a bar. Open mic session, some beers follow. Tom meets Evan Beltran, who makes music under the name "The Strangest". "Same wavelength" only roughly describes what happens next. The two complement each other perfectly musically. The Mexican guitarist and the British-German songwriter decide on the spot that they will continue as Tom Allan & The Strangest from now on. Here they are.

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Past events

Essen Acoustics #01/2019
Béi Chéz Heinz Acoustics #01/2019
Knust Acoustics #05/2019
Kesselhaus Acoustics #02/2019

When you break out the acoustic guitar, the words are the focal point unless you're the Jimi Hendrix of the acoustic guitar. So the words have to have meaning.

Chris Cornell
