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Willow Parlo

There is a shimmering beauty and great strength that lies in the introvert. The Hamburg band Willow Parlo leads us through inner worlds and processes with their detailed drifting dreampop. A sound that gently draws in every fibre and at the same time is so transparent that it seems to disappear again and again. Not tangible. And all the more fascinating for that very reason. This wonderfully vague aura also surrounds the band's name.

We are all allowed to put our own stories and fantasies, abysses and desires into Willow Parlo. Because human beings need secrets and feelings that exist detached from external pressure. To simply be there. To change. To heal.

Singer Noemi creates such refuges directly on several instruments, but above all with her magically floating vocals and powerful lyricism. Transforming states of anxiety into fighting spirit. Falling away from faith and at the same time searching for something higher. Seeing the glitter even in the nothingness. Noemi finds highly poetic images for the paradoxes that an intense look inside brings to light.

And she lays out her dreamy explorations so openly that they can reverberate in all of us. That our own echo chambers begin to vibrate. All the reeling and feverish, all the dark struggles and light breakthroughs are impressively condensed in the music.

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Past events

Acoustics Hamburg #01/2022

When you break out the acoustic guitar, the words are the focal point unless you're the Jimi Hendrix of the acoustic guitar. So the words have to have meaning.

Chris Cornell
